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Alina Chan, Alex Washburne, Valentin Bruttel, and Tony VanDongen joined Leadership Team members Justin Kinney and Bryce Nickels for an open discussion focused on evaluating the scientific evidence for a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2.
Click here for a transcript of the Space
with science writer Kris Newby, Dana Parish, Justin Kinney and Bryce Nickels
Click here for a transcript of the Space
with Emily Kopp, U.S. Right-to-Know investigative journalist; Yuri Deigin, DRASTIC co-founder; Justin Kinney and Bryce Nickels
Click here for a transcript of the Space
with Justin Goodman, Senior Vice President of Advocacy and Public Policy at the non-profit government watchdog White Coat Waste Project and Bryce Nickels
Click here for a transcript of the Space
with Wisconsin Watch reporter Phoebe Petrovic and Wisconsin State Senator Lena Taylor (D, 4th District), Yanna Lambrinidou, Justin Kinney, Richard Ebright, Klare Allen, Nina Goodale, Steve Goodale, and Bryce Nickels
Click here for a transcript of the Space
with Bryce Nickels, Justin Kinney and a special guest appearance by Sam Husseini
with Laura Kahn, Justin Kinney, Dana Parish, Bryce Nickels, and a special guest appearance by Sharri Markson
with Yanna Lambrinidou, Justin Kinney, and Bryce Nickels
with Justin Kinney and Bryce Nickels
with Justin Kinney and Bryce Nickels
with Dana Parish and Bryce Nickels
with Justin Kinney and Bryce Nickels
with Yanna Lambrinidou
with Dana Parish, Justin Kinney, Steven Phillips, and Bryce Nickels
with Yanna Lambrinidou and Bryce Nickels
with Dana Parish and Bryce Nickels
with Justin Kinney, Yanna Lambrinidou, and Bryce Nickels
with Justin Kinney, Dana Parish, Yanna Lambrinidou, and Bryce Nickels