Helen E. Mundler

Helen Mudler

Dr. Helen E. Mundler is a British-French bi-national, and is Associate Professor in English Studies at UPEC (maître de conférences HDR, Université Paris-Est Créteil). She has published three critical books on the anglophone novel, the most recent of which analyses the multiple crises evoked in Anthropocene literature (Rewritings of the Noah Myth in 21St Century Clifi Novels: New Readings from a Drowning World, Boydell and Brewer, 2022). Research for this book was funded by the Commission Fulbright Franco-Américaine, and hosted by the English Department and the interdisciplinary Climate Change Working Group at Western Michigan University. Helen is also co-editor of the first review on creative writing in English in French universities (E-rea 20.2, Université Aix-Marseille, 2022), and co-founder of the Société ETC (écrire-traduire-créer), which promotes work in this area. She has published three novels, including Three Days by the Sea (Holland House, 2022).